Monday, December 15, 2008


#1: 日常生活中,經常會睇到低收入人士自嘲「無財可理」,放棄通過理財去改善自己生活。幸好1967年夏季我老曹離開中學之後,一早已知道理財嘅重要性──當年月入270元(如以購買力計,相等於今天月入5400元左右)。如果冇理財,今天我老曹會點樣?

#2: 唔少低收入人士每月發下嘅人工,往錢包裡一塞,或者有信用卡數要找,成為「月光」一族(月月用清光),消費與收入相抵,毫無積蓄。既唔開源又唔節流,多D錢便買時裝、化妝品、電子用品或出外旅行,飲飲食食又從唔精打細算,自己窮又可怪誰?


Didi moves to new childcare building

didi: "papa, I don't want to go to jiejie's d'monte"
papa: " all your friends will be there"
upon arrival, from outside, he saw nobody. then he said, "see, nobody comes here one"
but when we walked inside, we saw all his friends there.
I asked teacher samini to let him eat his donut.

2nd hit

As expected, 10% cut as happenned in year 2001 when I first joined the company. But I didn't expect it to be so soon to take effect in January 2009.

I believe, there'll be more to come....
Just take it and live with it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008



Thursday, November 13, 2008




me: Don't worry son, no monster at the back.

son: No mama, it's not monster. The gold fish is growing big and turning into shark, it going to bite me

me: .....

Monday, November 3, 2008




一天,殡仪馆送来了三个人,说也奇怪,他们死后的笑容都是 ^_^......

殡仪馆管理员很纳闷的问 police :为什么他们死后的脸竟然会是^_^呢?

police说:这...... 说来话长......你看左边那个人 ......他是跟她老婆在共度春宵时......在最激情的那一刻 ...... 受不了......掛了

管理员就回答说:唉......願在花下死......做鬼也風流 ...... 那中间那一个是怎么死的?

police:中间那一个喔 ......他呀......真是人间慘剧...... 他走在路上......忽然听见自己中了头彩...... 奖金 7亿多..他开心的哈哈大笑时.......卻被迎面而来的车给撞上 ......结果......掛了......

管理员回答说:唉 ......他真的是沒有福气享受这榮华富贵的后半辈子......那剩下的这一个呢?

police: ......这一个死的就有点可怜了......他是爬上树的时候被雷给劈死了

管理员回答说:...... 这就有点不对了,被雷劈到为什么还会笑呢......

police 说:因为他爬上树后以为.....突然一道闪电......他以为...... 有人给他拍照......

Friday, October 24, 2008



今晨一早到公司就去看医生。一踏进公司药行,便向护士小姐登记。护士小姐吩咐我在外等叫名才进去医生房。在外等了越十分钟,护士小姐就叫我进去,然后给我药,交代怎么吃。。。虾米?我还没看医生你就知道我什么事?护士小姐:哦!。。。搞错, 请到外面再等一下。

Ok, 到我看医生了,医生说 “kin chek teo,吃些药会好些。念了三种药名, 之一是ponstern, 另一是pain killer。谢了医生就离开了。从护士小姐拿了三包药就回桌位。

喔?拿了什么药啊我?一包药贴上标签不是我的名字! 又没备注药名。还好另两包都有备注药名和名字.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

They are happy...but I m not so lucky

Jinyi & papa

Jinyan & papa

Jinyi & jinyan...yeah! we're at Genting finally!

Day view from hotel

Night view from hotel

5th Oct, they went up to Genting as planned (but without me)...
They're happy and pampered with 1 night 2 days trip, which had been longed waited.
Found the photos in camera and i can guess most of the photos were taken by jinyi :)
I ended up lying in GMC hospital from 4th - 7th Oct.
First day admission, hemoglobin 5. After 4 hours of iron dripping, side effect was terrifying. Fever, body shivering hard, vomitting from 1.30am - 4.30am. Every half an hour intermittently. Nurse performing ECG but heart shows normal.
Second day, doc pursuaded 1 unit of blood transfusion to further boost up hemoglobin.
4pm started the transfusion, end at 8.30pm
I was expecting another side effect/body reaction after the transfusion but I was feeling ok the whole night till the next morning.
Third day, blood test hemoglobin 5.9
Increased 20% as compared to before.
Cont' with Sangobion, oral iron consumption.
Fourth day, blood test hemoglobin 6.6
Doc permission to discharge
Cont' with Sangobion, followup check 14th Oct
Good luck to my health!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Art of communication with your teens - - by learning champ

For anyone raising children, learning the art ofcommunication with teenagers is an absolute necessity.Many of us take good communication for granted andlittle thought is given to the effective use ofcommunication and all the things that are involved e.g.the words that we say, our tone of voice and how to putour message across that build good relationship withthe other person.As in any good communication with people, the art liesnot just in how you express yourself verbally, but alsoyour body language and your listening skills.Unfortunately the latter is often left out when parentscommunicate with their teenagers.
1. Listening to your teen
I notice that many parents are not really listening whentheir teens try to talk.Parents have so many tasks that keep them busy, andit’s easy to become distracted and not give full attentionto what may be perceived as minor chatting. Often teenswill give verbal and, more importantly, nonverbal cluesabout problems while engaging in normal conservationwith their parents. If the parent is preoccupied and notreally listening, the clues go unheeded and the parentdoesn't pick up on the problem the teen is experiencing.If parents want to have an effective communication withtheir teens, it is important to practice real listening andlooking into the eyes their teens when they talk. Sittingdown to dinner together and away from the television orother distractions would be a good place to haveconversation every day.Short talks before bedtime is one great practice that I'drecommend to parents - especially if this practice isstarted while the child is young and becomes a traditionin the family. I personally practice this with my children,Ethel and Ethan who are currently 7- and 3-year-old.And I confident that when we practice this long enough,we will have a good parent-child bonding even whenthey grow up.
2. Don't judge
Many times teenagers do not want to talk about aproblem because they think the subject will drawdisapproval from parents. Learning to listen to childrenwithout judging and showing displeasure is an importantstep to getting children to listen to parents.Parents, of course, are sure to disapprove of some ofthe things that their teens do, and should certainlyexpress concern, but not until the teen has fullydiscussed an experience or a problem. If a teen thinks aparent will immediately begin to rant on and on aboutcertain issues, those issues will probably be avoided tostop unpleasant interaction with the parent.Listening to all of the teenager’s concerns, then calmlysuggesting alternatives or disapproval at that time willlet the teen know that the parent is ready to listen andhear him out, rather than always jumping to conclusions.Let the teen know that you will always value him as aperson while still imparting your family’s values to thesituation at hand.
3. Have respect for teens’ ideas
Many times a parent may oppose ideas that teens havebecause of inconvenience or because the idea is not onethat the parent would have. Cherishing, rather thanbelittling differences can lead to better communicationwith teenagers.Often parents are disappointed if their children do notshow the same interests the parents had in the pastand some parents even want to relive high schoolactivities through their teenagers. If a parent excelled insports in high school and her teen is interested in artinstead, the parent should learn to show support andlearn and talk about art instead of constantly lamentingthe fact that the teen does not like sports.Parents should accept the fact that their teens will havedifferent interests, needs, and ideas from them. Andthey should let their teens know that they will supportthem because this will open channels of communicationas parents and teens talk about issues.Showing genuine respect for teens’ ideas will allow themto feel competent to discuss just about anything withtheir parents; if parents constantly show disapproval forteens’ ideas, they will often stop communicating to avoidthe negative vibes.
4. Sometimes compromise is necessary
Parents who want to effectively communicate with theirteenagers need to realize that compromise willsometimes be necessary on both sides.If a teen is forced to always give in to a parent’sdemands, they will it pointless to communicate theirdesires to their parent and simply shut themselves off.Since people are different, differences of opinion arecertain to occur; parents should work on learning todiscuss these differences with their children withoutunnecessary criticism or belittling the ideas of the teen.Learning to talk through problems will lead to betterunderstanding on both sides, and if the teen feels hisside has been adequately aired and understood, he ismore likely to compromise on some of his points.Parents should be willing to bend on some issues toaccommodate the teen’s views; if a parent learns tocompromise on issues that are not really that serious,then a teen will be more likely to give up something tohonor a parent’s wishes later on.To build a good relationship with your teens or in factanyone, the best advice is to 'Seek First To UnderstandThen To Be Understood' - something that I personallylearn from Stephen Covey in his highly acclaimed book"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People".
5. Show care and concern
All children need to know that parents actually care fortheir well-being. If a child gets the impression that aparent does not care, then connecting with the parentthrough meaningful conversation will probably not be abig issue.When a teen talks, parents should show that they careby listening, asking questions, and expressing care andconcern in words. Many children rarely hear their parentssay that they love them, are proud of them, and careabout them. Some parents may think all children justinstinctively know these things, and the messages don'thave to be expressed, but this is not true.Teenagers especially need to be constantly reassuredthat parents care about their welfare and always bethere to support them.
6. Pay attention to language
Often teens get put off by the language a parent uses indiscussions. While a parent should be firm in settingboundaries and rules of conduct, this should be done ina positive, rather than negative manner.Expressing pleasure in a teen’s willingness to abide byrules, showing praise, and using “we” words rather than“you” or “I” words, will help make communicating withteens easier. Instead of saying “You did this wrong,”substituting “We need to work on this” will let the teenknow the parent wants to be involved in solutions toproblems, rather than just bossing around the teen.If a parent often loses control of his temper, usesabusive language, or uses frequent negative language,he needs to work on these problems if he wants toeffectively communicate with his teenagers.
7. Appreciate
Learning to appreciate all the good things about teenscan help parents improve communication. If a teenagerthinks his parent has a good impression of him andvalues him as a person, he will be more likely toconverse with the parent about his life.All humans like to feel appreciated and know that theymatter to others, and teens are no exception, even ifthey sometimes seem embarrassed about showingaffection and concern for other family members.Sometimes parents think that letting a teen know howmuch she is loved and appreciated will spoil her, or lether have the upper hand. However I honest don't thinkso.Self-esteem is largely based on perceptions that we getfrom other people, and expressing appreciation for ateen’s uniqueness is essential for development of agood self image and effective communication with parents.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008



Monday, September 22, 2008

Kids will shoot anything with camera on hand

Jinyan spotted dead mosquito lying on bed...mosquito on jinyan's hand, jinyi held still jinyan's hand to snap photo

Jinyan posting for her sister to snap it on...

Jinyan concentrating on TV's show

Jinyi self taken portrait.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My nieces

Hui Chih and Rong Rong. Rong Rong was born in US and Hui Chih was 2yo+ by that time(June 2007). Sometime i will get uncertain to answer when they call me "da ku" as I was not get used to that "title".

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Didi's dream

Last night didi woke up middle of the night, dreamed about monster.
Didi, “papa, I 怕怕”
Papa, “why???”
Didi, “there is a big monster....”
Papa, “no lah, big monster 怕怕 papa one”
Didi, “There is!!!!! It’s downstairs…..”
Papa, “no lah, pa pa strong one. Monster 怕怕 papa one. No monster, go to sleep”

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Raising a well-behaved child - by babycenter

What does discipline mean to you? Your definition of this fundamental part of parenting will determine your approach to it. If you think of disciplining your child as training him to do what you want him to do, you will be frustrated. On the other hand, if you think of discipline as teaching your child the limits of acceptable behavior, you will help him develop into a responsible and independent person.To cut down on power struggles as your toddler strives for independence, make sure you treat him the way you'd like to be treated. Try compromise instead of commands — he'll respond more amicably. "You can't go outside right now," you might say if it's time for a nap instead, "but we can read a book now and take a nap and go outside later." Instead of "You must pick up the blocks before dinner," make it "I'll pick up the puzzle pieces if you pick up the blocks."
What you can do

• Establish rules, but keep them simple and limit yourself to a few — a toddler isn't capable of keeping track of more than a few basic expectations. Make your enforcement of household rules consistent.
• Maintain a sense of humor. Remember that your toddler is a work in progress and you can't expect him to always act the way you want him to.
• Spanking does not teach children anything but fear, and that aggression is a way to solve problems.
• You must find ways of setting limits (and use your words) to assure him that even when he is doing something you don't want him to do you still love and accept him. You can kindly and firmly stop him from hurting himself or someone else by saying, "No, I can't let you do that," and remove him physically from the sandbox or top of the couch, and then reassure him that you love him.

Friday, July 25, 2008



Thursday, July 24, 2008



最近头疼,晕眩征兆告诉我贫血旧毛病又发作了。最低记录红血球指数只达7.5 (标准>12)。这次推测<7.5 吧...求医?陆路续续求了几年了都没进搌 。很累!

Friday, July 11, 2008


好一段时间没登自己的部落客了。不是忙,而是对自己的部落客没兴趣;总是觉得他人的精采。今天看到Ohbin在我前一个post里留言,突然有一古冲动想把自的部落客搞得象样点。又好象力不从心,唉!谁叫我的中文不好,英语又半桶水。只好怪自己求学时期不力求上进, 老大徒悲哀!

Friday, June 27, 2008


Ohbinの榴莲冰淇淋, 使我想起中学时科学老师之一堂课。那堂课是关于人体生殖器官。以前科学课程是用马来语为媒介,题目为Zakar。当时那教师不懂中文, 唯有用福建来解释当天题目。他说:Zakar就是你们说的"lxxpx"。话一说完, 再场的同学个个开枪大笑。之后每个同学都记得Zakar是什么东东了。

Tuesday, June 3, 2008



Thursday, May 22, 2008


瑾怡(6岁) - 118cm, 21kg
景衍(4岁) - 108cm, 18kg

Friday, May 2, 2008


姐姐随拍记 - : 玩披,爱逗,开朗, 既可爱。。乐于助人

陈宅 - 吾爱吾家


Wednesday, April 30, 2008



Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Found this from

WOOD TIGER HoroscopeJan 26, 1914 to Feb 13, 1915Jan 23, 1974 to Feb 10, 1975
Tiger people are sympathetic, kind, emotional, and sensitive. At movies, they can cry their eyes out! Despite their kindness, they can be extremely short-tempered. The rage of Tigers is terrible to behold but it also gives them the adrenaline needed for the sublimest of bravery. The Tiger is also a deep thinker and can make the most astonishing intellectual connections, with great mental agility. On the negative side, they tend to be suspicious and a bit self-centered, OK selfish, and indecisive. Above everything, however, the Tiger stands as a supreme emblem of protection over human life, admirable always.

Soup and Oolong Tea are among the keys to good health.

Look no further than the Wood Tiger for true friendship. This compassionate human being is always ready to lend his or her shoulder for friends to lean on. Friends show a reciprocal spirit. When the Wood Tiger needs it, friendship and support are always there and indirectly help the Tiger's successful ascent up the career ladder. Once there, this Tiger experiences such prosperity, it's almost like winning the lottery, except it's earned good fortune. Wood Tigers are very creative in finding ways to make life exciting, never lacking inspiration to change what can be changed and to forge ahead with native wit and charm. When it comes to Love, the male Wood Tiger has to fight his fantasy of becoming a playboy. When he experiences that familiar lust-in-his-heart tickle, he has to give in instead to his ingrained gentility. When it's time for a Wood Tiger to marry, he nearly always attracts a very beautiful wife. Also gentle, the female Wood Tiger is very generous with love and kisses and is always good to her husband. Wood Tigers in general have a very fulfilling and happy family life, with no regrets.

WATER HORSE HoroscopeFeb 15, 1942 to Feb 4, 1943Feb 12, 2002 to Jan 31, 2003
Horse people have a balance of the best kind of qualities. Have you ever seen a wild horse on the beach, with flying mane and flaring nostrils, every muscle bursting with life and je ne sais quois? Without a doubt, the Horse is the standard for grace, strength, rhythm and nobility. They have an amazing capacity for hard work. As a result, they know great success and financial security in their lifetimes. Often quite ostentatious, they enjoy being with large crowds and always seek out the grand and magnificent. They need people and have a weakness for those of the opposite sex. You can often find Horses at concerts, music festivals, and the Super Bowls of life.

Parsley Soup and Ginger Root are among the keys to good health!!

Philosophical, with tongue firmly in cheek, the cheerful Water Horses are open to the ironies of life. Their sense of humor permits them to laugh at things they can't control. With infinite patience, they know that most problems are really quite small in the scheme of things. (Traffic jams? No problem!) and they try not to let their own personal feelings get in the way. Like all Horses, those of the Water persuasion are very career minded with a high sense of responsibility and accountability. Their years are filled with many hardworking days and nights. Careers are filled with both storm clouds and tropical tradewinds - Horses simply flow with the wind. Because of wise choices, they experience a pretty stable financial fortune in later years, sometimes with unexpected results. Stability is also a big time word when it comes to Love. Love is like the many splendored thing described in song. For them, love means eternity. When they pledge undying loyalty, devotion, tenderness, and caring, they mean it. A partnership is always built on a strong foundation and, like a masterpiece, is designed for life everlasting.

WOOD MONKEY HoroscopeJan 25, 1944 to Feb 12, 1945Jan 22, 2004 to Feb 8, 2005
Monkey people, on their merry way to becoming famous, like to strew memorable bits of impishness and practical jokes along the way. Lots of fun, they also possess a serious side and influence a good many people throughout their lifetime. They know how to accomplish the most difficult of tasks with the greatest of enthusiasm, concentration, and ease. Even so, they can easily get discouraged and confused and MUST do things their way! They often become great mathematicians, super chess players, researchers, entrepreneurs or scientists. And, great mentors! Monkeys have a burning passion for knowledge of every kind and they magically are surrounded by the finer things in life. Life is a big adventure!

Duck Soup and Rice are among the keys to good health!!

A real dynamo, this one! The Wood Monkey wants to do things and never likes to sit around doing nothing. No video watching, instead this one will climb the highest mountains, go on the grand safari, and have one adventure after another, with great creativity and imagination. Whew! Often pioneers in new undertakings, they are sharp and ambitious and make big deals happen. These Gentle Giants can be in charge of all the details and no one ever thinks them bossy or pushy. They are good communicators and give direction without ruffling feathers. Workaholics all the way, they really need to learn to relax a little so their family life does not suffer. When they do take time out to breathe, they are so sympathetic and caring, never leaving their friends and family in the lurch. Love life can be a roller coaster of ups and downs, ranging from a conservative holding back to the unleashing of wild passion.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Here goes the family of 4...

I love this pic. It gave me a feeling that we're united, at everywhere, every place.

note: this pic was taken during a trip to Taiping Zoo (15th April 2007)