Monday, December 15, 2008


#1: 日常生活中,經常會睇到低收入人士自嘲「無財可理」,放棄通過理財去改善自己生活。幸好1967年夏季我老曹離開中學之後,一早已知道理財嘅重要性──當年月入270元(如以購買力計,相等於今天月入5400元左右)。如果冇理財,今天我老曹會點樣?

#2: 唔少低收入人士每月發下嘅人工,往錢包裡一塞,或者有信用卡數要找,成為「月光」一族(月月用清光),消費與收入相抵,毫無積蓄。既唔開源又唔節流,多D錢便買時裝、化妝品、電子用品或出外旅行,飲飲食食又從唔精打細算,自己窮又可怪誰?


Didi moves to new childcare building

didi: "papa, I don't want to go to jiejie's d'monte"
papa: " all your friends will be there"
upon arrival, from outside, he saw nobody. then he said, "see, nobody comes here one"
but when we walked inside, we saw all his friends there.
I asked teacher samini to let him eat his donut.

2nd hit

As expected, 10% cut as happenned in year 2001 when I first joined the company. But I didn't expect it to be so soon to take effect in January 2009.

I believe, there'll be more to come....
Just take it and live with it.