Friday, October 24, 2008



今晨一早到公司就去看医生。一踏进公司药行,便向护士小姐登记。护士小姐吩咐我在外等叫名才进去医生房。在外等了越十分钟,护士小姐就叫我进去,然后给我药,交代怎么吃。。。虾米?我还没看医生你就知道我什么事?护士小姐:哦!。。。搞错, 请到外面再等一下。

Ok, 到我看医生了,医生说 “kin chek teo,吃些药会好些。念了三种药名, 之一是ponstern, 另一是pain killer。谢了医生就离开了。从护士小姐拿了三包药就回桌位。

喔?拿了什么药啊我?一包药贴上标签不是我的名字! 又没备注药名。还好另两包都有备注药名和名字.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

They are happy...but I m not so lucky

Jinyi & papa

Jinyan & papa

Jinyi & jinyan...yeah! we're at Genting finally!

Day view from hotel

Night view from hotel

5th Oct, they went up to Genting as planned (but without me)...
They're happy and pampered with 1 night 2 days trip, which had been longed waited.
Found the photos in camera and i can guess most of the photos were taken by jinyi :)
I ended up lying in GMC hospital from 4th - 7th Oct.
First day admission, hemoglobin 5. After 4 hours of iron dripping, side effect was terrifying. Fever, body shivering hard, vomitting from 1.30am - 4.30am. Every half an hour intermittently. Nurse performing ECG but heart shows normal.
Second day, doc pursuaded 1 unit of blood transfusion to further boost up hemoglobin.
4pm started the transfusion, end at 8.30pm
I was expecting another side effect/body reaction after the transfusion but I was feeling ok the whole night till the next morning.
Third day, blood test hemoglobin 5.9
Increased 20% as compared to before.
Cont' with Sangobion, oral iron consumption.
Fourth day, blood test hemoglobin 6.6
Doc permission to discharge
Cont' with Sangobion, followup check 14th Oct
Good luck to my health!