Thursday, July 24, 2008

最近头疼,晕眩征兆告诉我贫血旧毛病又发作了。最低记录红血球指数只达7.5 (标准>12)。这次推测<7.5 吧...求医?陆路续续求了几年了都没进搌 。很累!


Ohbin said...

吃多一点牛肉会不会好一点? 还有铁质的药。我以前也是一直晕晕晕

renee said...

When you mentioned about beef, i recall there's one hawker stall in BM that selling beef kuey teow thng...slurp! It's located at Jalan Kulim, besides Ren Aun's shop. Try it in your next trip to penang. It has been sometime I didn't go back to that stall...missing the old days.